Neurodiversity Affirming Potty Training Support for You and Your Child.

Learn how we can work together to support your child and family using a Sensory and Motor Based Approach to Potty Training.

Dr Lauren Keller, chiropractor, is here to help parents struggling to help their child(ren) potty train. You’ve read “all of the books," tried all of the rewards and bribes and maybe even considered punishing your little one for the constant accidents. It's a lot. You're overwhelmed and undersupported leaving you frustrated with the thought of potty training. Dr Lauren is here to help you take the stink out of potty training.


What You Can Expect


Nervous System Regulation

A calm and regulated nervous system sets the foundation for being able to potty train. You will learn how to meet your child's physical and sensory needs so they have an increase in perceived safety.

Sensory System Regulation

The bathroom is often the location of large amounts of sensory input and can be overwhelming. You can expect to learn about the varying types of sensory input and how to meet your child's needs through modification, adapatation and releasing expectations.

Gross & Fine motor Support

Pelvic floor supports starts at 3 months of age when the diaphragm and pelvic floor are first in alignment. From there, the body naturally develops to increase strength and coordination needed for potty training. You will learn how to support the gross and fine motor skills needed to potty train.

Meet Dr Lauren…Chiropractor, Pediatric Pelvic Floor Rehab & Airway Provider

A pediatric chiropractor with expertise in pEdiatric pelvic floor

Did you know that Neurodivergent children often potty train later than Neurotypical children? Did you also know that we have the ability to support them utilizing a whole-person, individualized approach? Too often parents are told to “wait and see" when they express concerns about their child's bowel and bladder habits.

I believe in working with families to meet their children's own unique needs. I'm an expert in potty training and you're the expert of your child. Together we can support your child (and you!) so that potty training is about your child exploring and learning their body rather than ignoring their body's signs and signals.


How We Can Help


I’m Looking for an online book to support my child

This is for you if you’re not sure where to start and you love to read and implement what you learned. The guide is a great way to take a deep dive into your child's sensory and emotional needs around potty training as well as how to support their physical body for the strength needed to use a toilet


I'm looking for a Bowel & Bladder Evaluation & Treatment - $225 for initial assessment

This is for you if you're interested in professional guidance to meet your child's physical needs. If your child struggled with motor development, has a history of costipation or encoporesis, Dr Lauren can do a thorough evaluation and work with you to create a treatment plan to support your child's needs. This is only available for online (IL & TX) and in-person (Corpus Christi, TX).


I'm looking for a Potty Training Coach - $200 for 45 minute new client meeting

This is for you if you want to talk through planning or work with someone to problem solve the what and why behind your child's specific lagging skills. We will work together to collaboratively figure out solutions that work for your child.